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impact on people

& the environment

Impact Highlights
Creating a


$ 12,326

are invested in supporting the small farmers of EoL in carbon sequestration and avoidance practices.

Creating a



of full-time employees in Sekem who worked to produce this product receive health insurance and safe working conditions.

Life Long Learning &



of the workforce in all SEKEM is women as a part of supporting gender equality and the target is supporting more potential women

Protecting the



new trees were planted to the west of the Wahat farm, a “forest strip” was created to serve as protection against pesticide drift and wind.


Silver lime tree(tilo), fennel, guava leaves, and anise are the mix of herbs in Sekem’s Relief tea. The herbs comes to you from several locations in Egypt: Wahat, Fayoum, Minia, Qena, and Aswan, check out the map to see where each individual herb is grown. They are cultivated using the highest form of organic agriculture called biodynamic. The farms are Demeter and Economy of Love certified, ensuring the sustainable practices and the protection of the environment, human and animal welfare. 

The silver lime tree plant (tilo) is sourced from France and is the only component that is not Demeter certified, however it makes up only 5% of the Sekem flu tea.

Economy of Love builds the capacity and expertise of the small farmer in biodynamic agriculture by linking them to associations that provide the guidance of agricultural engineers specialized in biodynamic agricultural methods.

With the EoL Carbon Credits adding an additional income to the farmer, EoL is aiming to make biodynamic agriculture the mainstream method in Egypt, by reducing the price of biodynamic products.

Meet The Farmers

get to the source of production


Farmer in Wahat Oasis, Egypt

Waleed is an agriculture engineer in Wahat SEKEM. His children study at SEKEM school, also his wife teaches Arabic there. They are living a wonderful new experience surrounded by calming beautiful places. He’s a hard worker farmer trying to cover all the herbs needed in the market.


Farmer in Behera, Egypt

Salama the owner of Marouf farm has been growing biodynamic crop since 1995. Since he stopped using chemicals and started using compost and biodynamic preparations he noticed a positive change where the land produces better quality crops.


Farmer in Fayoum, Egypt

Essam El-Deen is the owner of the Demeter-certified farm called  Somosta Farm. Together with his family Essam has a small piece of land where they implement crop rotation and grow numerous different crops, using biodynamic methods of agriculture.


Farmer in Aswan, Egypt

Saber Mahrous has a Demeter-certified farmland called Basateen Aswan in Wadi El-Nokra, close to the city of Aswan in Upper Egypt.


The herbs first arrive at Lotus factory where tests are conducted to ensure the organic and Demeter quality first. Then the herbs are cleaned, sifted and cut to the required size, ready to be sent to iSiS factory to be packed.

Lotus strives to create fair long-term relationships with the supplying farmers, thus round-table meetings are conducted annually where many farmers gather with the companies to discuss prices, challenges, and draft solutions.

Leftovers from the herbs will appear after the sifting process are used as compost. Lotus applies the circular economy model by repurposing 90% of its waste into compost.

Lotus has improved the efficiency of the machinery equipment at their factories and managed to reduce their energy consumption by 8.6%.


25kg bags of different herbs arrive at the iSiS factory located a few meters away from the lotus factory. The herbs are mixed together in the mixer, once they’re ready the flu tea is uploaded in the packaging machine to be packed in the tea bags and envelops. Demeter quality is ensured throughout the mixing and packing process.

Since its foundation, the iSiS factory has implemented the Core Program which enables all factory employees to engage in courses of art, acting, music, geography, and many more to promote happiness at work.

Factory workers work in safe conditions and receive health consultancies (in topics such as nutrition, mental health, and physiotherapy) to promote well-being in the workplace.

iSiS was able to reduce 77% of its no-organic waste as well as reducing 25% of its organic waste. iSiS tries to reduce as much waste as possible, the rest of the recyclable non-organic waste is sold to external recycling entities.

Packaging Material

The packaging material plays a significant role in the product quality and impact on the environment, for that SEKEM always seeks to be responsible in choosing the best material for better lifetime for the product and the environment.

The tea bags of the flu tea have no whiteners or bleach added to them, making them a healthier option for tea bags where there is no chemicals to react with hot water.

Sekem took the direction of glue and thread in their filter bags instead of metal pins which reduces the usage of metal resources and it’s emissions.

Some packages require plastic wrap to meet customer’s requirements. However, the company is committed to finding more eco-friendly alternatives.


The flu tea packages are now ready to be delivered to you whether to your home, at your local shop or abroad.

Distribution process is under the supervision of iSiS to ensure the selection of the shipping cars to be cleaned and qualified for the process.

The emissions produced during the distribution process are calculated and offset by Sekem holding. 

During overseas shipments the first choice is always sea freight to reduce emissions, however air fright is needed sometimes for smaller orders.

Meet The Employees

have a look, who processed, packaged and distributed your product


Quality Manager in iSiS

Marwa has been working in the tea department of iSiS factory for more than 8 years. Together with her husband and two children, she lives on the SEKEM farm.


Factory Engineer at SEKEM

Ahmed has been working in SEKEM for four years, and lives right next to the SEKEM farm with his family.


Factory Engineer in Lotus

Hassan is in charge of the cleaning and packing machine in the processing facility of Lotus. He has been working in Lotus for 17 years and enjoys that work is combined with cultural programs.

Abd El Magid

Distributor in SEKEM

Abd El Magid has been an employee in SEKEM for over 15 years. He is responsible for distributing the finished products to stores all over Cairo.

What is the True Price?

Are there hidden costs that the price doesn't reflect?

True Price Comparision

Sustainably & ethically produced products add value to society. However, when comparing prices, we don’t take into account the long-term impact of the product. For example, since the sustainable agricultural practices of cultivating the herbs in this flu tea is sequestering Co2e it is actually saving up future damage cost that you’ll eventually pay for. This means that it is cheaper than products that emit Co2e, but so often the price tag doesn’t reflect that.

We encourage you to compare products based on their true price; the price that reflects the hidden costs that you and future generations eventually pay for.

Indirect Costs include:



Society is paying taxes to clean water sources from agriculture’s chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, as well as the irresponsible disposal of wastewater from factories, in order to make it usable/drinkable water.


The use of pesticides in agriculture eventually affects the human body and therefore increases medical treatment costs.






Society has to bear the long-term cost caused by disruptive agriculture e.g. soil erosion, desertification, and loss of biodiversity.




Check out the locations of all the farms, companies who were involved in making this product!
discover the origin of your product





Skem El-Wahat




Rahma Farm




Eraky Farm



Mashhour Farm



El-Metwaly Farm



Soliman Dawood Farm



Abou Hamad 4 Farm



Sekem Minia Farm



El-Fangary Farm



Abd El-Maksod Farm



Basateen Aswan Farm



El-Mostafa Farm



Maarouf Farm


Saft Farm


Abdel Azeem 2 Farm


Hasan Farm


El-Rouby Farm


Bahgat Farm


Abdalah Farm


Shoulkam Farm


Abd El-Ghaffar Farm


Bani Oday Farm


Manfalout Farm


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And make mindful purchasing decisions that leave a positive impact on people and the environment

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    (Co2e) Carbon dioxide and equivalent; is a metric that  accounts for carbon dioxide and  the other greenhouse gases (methane, nitrous oxide, and others)

    Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide. It is one method of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with the goal of reducing global climate change

    Full-cost accounting (also referred to as true-cost accounting, total value or total impact) is an approach that gives monetary value to non-market goods, such as environmental and social assets, in order to analyze the costs and benefits of business and/or policy decisions.

    Biodynamic agriculture is a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, that requires the farmer to be highly connected to nature, and the ecosystem, in order to work with nature, and grow food organically, regenerate landscapes, sequesters carbon, and maintain biodiversity on the farm